Amazon wants ad images to look better. Solution: Run generative AI for salespeople

When we think of big tech companies that are investing tons of money in artificial intelligence (AI), names like OpenAI, Microsoft and Google. However, there are other companies like Amazon that have been betting on this type of technology for several years now that almost everyone is talking about.

The relationship between the e-commerce giant and artificial intelligence has a long history. Algorithms are an essential part of your search, recommendation and advertising systems. At the logistical level, they also play a very important role, which has enabled it to achieve a high level of efficiency. But what about the famous generative AI?

Amazon is increasing its commitment to generative artificial intelligence

The company led by Andy Jassy is taking some very interesting steps to keep up generative career. It bet on powering its own AWS cloud computing system and even announced investments in rival OpenAI Antrophic.

However, we are now beginning to see the first results of their efforts. Following the announcement of AI that will generate summaries of product reviews, the firm has launched an AI image generator integrated into its advertising platform for sellers. The goal is to increase the quality of your marketing campaigns.

Amazon Ads Image Builder

Soon, merchants who use Amazon Ads will be able to schedule ads on Amazon improve your product images without using third-party tools. If you focus on the example image on the packaging, you can replace the blank background of the toaster lifestyle.

As the company explains, they wanted to make this feature very simple. So once you’ve selected the products you want to work with, just click Generate and the model will automatically generate resources based on the context. For example, a toaster on the kitchen counter.

Amazon Ads Image Builder interface

In case users wish to give a touch of personalization to the generated images, as we can see in the screenshot above, they can also use the small text descriptions (prompts) to improve the visual composition of images. For example: “a product on a kitchen counter with plants in the background.”

As we can see, Amazon did not come out to directly compete with mass-market models such as DALL·E, MidJourney or Stable Diffusion. On the contrary, it opted for a closed generative design focused on the market where it is king. But that doesn’t mean we won’t see a much more ambitious bet.

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