Amounts you should not exceed if you do not want to pay 4×1000 in Nequi and DaviPlata

You must have heard of 4×1000 and you are responsible for paying it whenever you exceed certain amounts in your accounts.but do you know if this fee applies to digital wallets like Nequi and Daviplat?

The first thing to understand is what is 4×1000? Bbva defines it as a national government tax in which for every $1,000 in some type of financial movement you have to pay $4. “This tax is collected by the banks and then, with some exceptions, transferred to the government. In this way, the financial entities do not get any usufruct of this tax, but the money goes directly to the state coffers.”

The 4×1000 in Colombia began as a temporary tax that, due to ease of collection to address specific crises, became a permanent collection beginning on November 16, 1998.through Decree 2331 of 1998, when, according to Bbva, the government introduced 2 X 1000 to deal with the banking crisis the country was going through.

Knowing this, how does this fee apply to digital wallets? The first thing worth understanding is that according to the tax statute, all low-amount deposits, formerly known as Cats, must pay 4×1000 starting at 65 UVT.

These 65 UVTs equate to $2.76 million, a value that both Nequi as set by DaviPlata. Nequi explains that: “If your Nequi has limits, you must pay 4×1000 when you withdraw, send or pay more than $2,756,780 in a month.”

The situation is different with savings accounts, where according to the statute Those who do not exceed 350 UVT or 14.7 million USD per month may be exempted from this fee..

from his side DaviPlata stipulates that a person has his account exempt from 4×1000 up to 65 UVT.

However, in the case of Nequi, it confirms it If the person has no limits and has it marked as free of 4×1000, he will only pay this tax after 14.8 million dollars, which is practically the same 350 UVT savings accounts.

here is something importantr law, Colombians can only have 4×1000 free accountTherefore, it is crucial if you want to free her that you take this basic requirement into account. You can still do this at any time, not necessarily when you open your account.

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