Can they deny you the use of a digital ID for transactions at exchange offices?

In recent days, some citizens have filed complaints about the use digital ID in exchange offices, because they were not accepted in certain places. They therefore confirm that, given that it is an official document of the National Register, which replaces a physical ID card, there should be no problem with presenting it.

Given this situation, the Executive Director of the Colombian Association of Change Professionals, Asoprocambios, Martha del Pilar Martínez, explained the possibility of using this virtual document to perform procedures in exchange houses.

(Recommended: Launches Digital ID 2.0 with several new features: this way you can update or process it).

In the chat with RepublicThe managing director of Asoprocambios stated: “Neither Asoprocambios nor Dian received any instruction not to accept digital IDs. I’m surprised they ask such questions because I don’t know any stock expert who doesn’t accept that. Besides, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t.”

Therefore, users who try to refuse the use of this virtual document must request its acceptance, because it is oa official identification.

(Also read: Lost your Colombian citizenship and want to get it back? We explain how).

Except National Register makes efforts for Colombians to use digital IDs more and more, pointing out that: “Colombia requires an identification that allows access to digital citizen services provided by the Colombian state and other entities that already provide services over the Internet”.


National Register

Possible reasons why the digital identity card was not accepted at exchange offices

Because proof of identity is important to record Transactions over $1,000stock exchanges must leave a record identifying the person who acquired it.

Martínez explained: “What happened is that we have quite complex rules in this activity because it is a very risky process money laundering. But that doesn’t mean the operation can’t be done.”

He also explained that in most offices, what they do is they send the file to the post office and print it, which they attach to the Customer Knowledge Form 18 for those who have a digital ID.

Advantages of using a digital ID

In finding widespread use of digital ID among Colombians, National Register arranged a row benefits:

– It will give you more security because they won’t be able to fake it or falsify it.
– Has biometric identification and authentication.
– You will be able to identify yourself with it in the procedures you carry out through the website.
– Avoid impersonation or identity theft.
– Guarantees the protection of your personal data.
– It can create trust in the procedures and services of public and private entities.
– This document enables, among other things, secure identity verification by the authorities.

Nataly Barrera

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