Minimum wage: best expert forecast puts it at $1,310,000 by 2024

salario mínimo 2024

Talks begin today on a possible increase in the minimum wage until 2024, with estimates suggesting it could reach $1,310,000. This debate is taking place amid reflections on inflation and labor productivity recorded this year. (Also read: Minimum wage 2024 in two million pesos without bonuses? Unions don’t like it). The 2024 minimum wage consultation … Read more

Minimum wage 2024 in two million pesos without bonuses? The unions don’t like it

Salario mínimo 2023

The idea of ​​raising the minimum wage to two million pesos for 2024, but with the worker taking some contributions, This has sparked a debate between different sectors and among social media users. This was announced by the Colombian Ministry of Labor the creation of consultation tables to determine the adjustment of the minimum wage, … Read more

What happens if the company does not raise the minimum wage?

salario mínimo 2024

On Tuesday, negotiations will begin on increases and the minimum wage in Colombia in 2024, and although the increase will directly affect more than two million Colombians, it will also affect the rest of the workforce. Some companies take this increase as a reference for other salaries and to adjust other matters. According to data … Read more