This is what the 10 most expensive tolls in the country will look like with the rate adjustment

The national government, through the Ministry of Transport, has already defined the toll increase formula for 2024.

As the head of this portfolio, William Camargo, explained, The adjustment will be made in two parts, one based on inflation in 2022 which will be next January and the second of the 2023 CPI value on July 1.

The first increase will start in 2024, when the price of the toll will rise by 13.12%, which was the CPI for 2022 (an increase that did not affect most concessionaires this year).

The second, the minister said, will be carried out at the beginning of the second half of 2024 and the increase will be from CPI 2023, which would be: between 9% and 10% according to analysts, considering that it was 10.48% in October.

In this way, during the year 2024 and after it will be the whole year 2023, the toll rates in the country will increase by at least 22%.

The Circasia toll is located on the road between Armenia and Pereira and its rate has been increased from 15,300 to 17,300 pesos.

The most expensive rates that 2024 will have

So the passenger car portion of the toll would exceed $20,000 It’s already happening with the eastbound tunnel toll, which is currently $21,800.

Below we tell you how much the increase would be for the 10 most expensive tolls in the country and what the rate would be from January 2024.

• Antioquia East Tunnel Toll: Currently $21,800 and will increase next year by $2,860 for a total rate of $24,660.

• Guaico Toll in Caldas: Its current rate is $18,300. With the adjustment, it would increase by $2,400 to a total of $20,700.

• West Tunnel Toll (Antioquia): Today the rate is $18,100 and will increase by $2,374 to $20,474.

• Puerto Colombia Atlantic Toll: Its price is $15,000, but with a $1,968 adjustment, it would be $16,968.

• Marahuaco Toll (Bolivar): Now at $16,100, but would reach $18,212 with an increase of $2,112.

• Machetá (Cundinamarca): Currently at $14,700 and will increase by $1,928 next year for a total rate of $16,628.

• Boqueron (Cundinamarca): It would increase from $14,300 to $16,176 because it would increase by $1,876.

• Boqueron II (Cundinamarca): It would also increase from $14,300 to $16,176 as it would increase by $1,876.

• Finally, tolls at the Cabildo and Trapiche, both in Cundinamarca, would increase to $16,402 after a $1,902 increase. It currently costs $14,500.

If you want to check the toll rates on the interactive map, you can check it on the Invías website by clicking here.

Note: To calculate its increase, it will be necessary to create a rule of three based on an increase of 13.12 above the current rate value.​​

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