Tricks to charge Android mobile battery faster even if it is not compatible with fast charging

It is public and notorious that fast charging on a mobile phone can damage the health of the battery in the long run. However, there is nothing wrong with using it and others in moments when we are in a hurry and need to leave the house with enough battery. Something easy for mobiles that accept high charging powers, but not so easy for others.

Unfortunately, there is no method to guarantee that a mobile phone compatible with, for example, 15W charging will charge as well as one with 67W. However, yes. some can be applied tips to speed up the process more than normal. At times like those above, they can be vital.

The most ideal will always be its charging

We think it’s the best thing for a smartphone that charges that no process is running on the mobile during that time. And no, just because you have your cell phone locked on your desk without using it doesn’t mean it’s not performing tasks.

Whenever a mobile phone is switched on, consumption occurs due to processes that run in the background without us being aware of it. Therefore, If possible, turn it off to speed up charging. Most smartphones allow you to see the percentage they are carrying without turning it on (just by pressing the lock button).

If you can’t turn off your phone, use one or more of these tips

Obviously, turning off your phone isn’t always a feasible option. See, for example, waiting for a call or having to send a message. In these cases it is recommended not to touch it or use it only sufficiently and necessarily during the charging process. Even more so considering that it can heat up and damage the battery.

Mobile battery

We also recommend taking into account these tips to make charging as fast as possible, even if it will be slower than when the terminal is turned off:

  • Activate fast charging in settings if your mobile phone is compatible with this charging because many times it is disabled and requires activation. This is done from the battery settings panel.
  • Use a certified charger with the appropriate power. This second element is somewhat indifferent if the mobile phone does not have fast charging, but the first is important to guarantee safe charging at the highest possible speed.
  • Also use certified cableswhether they are originals or others you have purchased.
  • Use the wall outletbecause they are better prepared to provide a faster charging current than the USB port of a computer or power bank.
  • Close all applications that they run when they are not necessary, so they do not affect the consumption of the mobile and are counterproductive for fast charging.
  • Leave the screen off and if you have “Always On Display”, disable it so it’s completely black without a single pixel working.
  • Disable as many connections as possible such as WiFi, Bluetooth and mobile data. You can even activate airplane mode suddenly reduce these connections.
  • Turn off notifications and silence your phone. You can do all this in do not disturb mode and even in sleep mode, ensuring that receiving messages and calls will not affect consumption either. If possible, It also disables vibration.
  • Charge your battery in an optimal environment In terms of temperature and humidity, this will prevent the device from heating up and affect the health of the battery in addition to slowing down charging.

We have already warned that there are no miracles and you will not notice that the battery recharges in record time and without having a mobile phone compatible with fast charging. However, yes, you will notice that it generally loads faster What if you use your mobile without using any of these tips?

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